Saturday 7th May 2022- 11.30am & 2pm
A non-verbal piece of theatre using music and puppetry created especially for the people of Somerset. It transcends age as it’s equally accessible for young children, teenagers, the older generation and everyone in between.

It’s 1929. Morris has been planting, harvesting, basket making and drinking tea on his Somerset Willow farm since before he can remember.
Every year the same pattern repeats itself. Plant, harvest, weave. Plant, harvest,
One day he pulls up a particularly large piece of Willow with a girl clinging to the end of it! She eats too much, breaks everything in his workshop and is a complete nuisance. But as time moves on, they teach each other the ways of the Willow. Planting, harvesting, weaving… the cycle continues and all is well in their world until the chaos of WW2 and the invention of plastic threaten to destroy the farm and their livelihoods.
Can they find a new use for Willow before it’s too late?

WHISPERING WILLOWS is suitable for anyone aged 5+.
Whispering Willows is a short, playful and wordless exploration of roots, loss and homecoming that will charm both younger audiences and any adult’s inner child. Bristol 24/7
Please note this is an outdoor performance, so please dress appropriately for the weather and please bring something to sit on.
11.30 & 14:00
The Community Farm
Denny Lane
Chew Magna
Bristol BS40 8SZ
Age 5+