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Kathryn Roberts & Sean Lakeman ‘On Reflection’ Tour

Friday 29th October 2021 – 7.30pm

2020 marks 25 years of making music together for this popular wife and husband duo.

Kathryn Roberts and Sean Lakeman have long established themselves as one of the UK Folk scene’s most rewardingly enduring partnerships.

To celebrate and acknowledge this milestone, the couple will revisit and reinterpret songs which span their career. From the early days of folk supergroup ‘ Equation ‘ through to the current release ‘Personae ‘ with a nod or two along the way to their extra-curricular musical adventures, the evening promises a whistle-stop tour through their artistic journey to date.

It’s folk music for the modern age. The Telegraph – London

These guys are something very special. Acoustic Magazine


Currently we are asking that all audience members, unless exempt, wear a mask during the performance for the safety and comfort of all other ticket holders, performers and Valley Arts volunteers.

If the performance has to be cancelled due to Covid-19 a full refund will be offered.

Fri, 29 October 2021

Ubley Parish Hall
The Street
BS40 6PN


Age 12+